Use Case - Building a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Pipeline (featuring LlamaIndex)


GenAI Studio simplifies the creation of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) applications. In this example, we’ll demonstrate how to set up a RAG pipeline using LLamaIndex with a GitHub dataset. This will help answer queries and generate responses in the GenAI playground.

Creating a Notebook

First, we’ll create a notebook to work in. For detailed steps, visit creating a notebook.

Setting Up Your Environment
To set up your environment, you’ll need to install some libraries. To find out which libraries, you’ll need, work with your GenAI Studio representative.

Configuring the GenAI Studio Client

Next, we import the necessary modules and set up the GenAI Studio client along with the configuration for our RAG pipeline. Here’s a sample of what that might look like:

from rag_pipeline.main import (

# Create a configuration object for your RAG pipeline
config = Config()

# Create a GenAI studio client
lore = create_lore_client()

Preparing the Vector Store

Using GenAI Studio’s helper functions, we can create a vector store of dataset embeddings. In this example, we’re using ChromaDB but you can use any vector store or database:

from lore.integrations.helpers.rag import (

# URL of the CSV file containing FAQs

# Create an embedding model
embed_model = create_embedding_from_rag_run_config(lore, run_config, "default")

# Set up the ChromaDB client and collection
chroma_client = get_chromadb_client(config.chroma_db_dir)
chroma_collection = get_chromadb_collection(chroma_client)
vector_store = get_chromadb_vector_store(chroma_collection)

# Download the CSV file and insert it into ChromaDB
csv_path = download_file(COVID_FAQ_CSV_URL, config.data_dir)
insert_csv_to_chromadb(vector_store, embed_model, csv_path, num_rows=3)

Creating the RAG Pipeline

Finally, we create our RAG pipeline using the configuration and save it for use in the GenAI Studio playground.

from rag_pipeline.main import rt
from lore.types import enums as bte

pipeline_spec = rt.RagPipeline.from_dir(
    SCRIPT_DIR / "rag_pipeline/",
    default_config=get_default_rag_pipeline_config(config, lore),

# Save the RAG pipeline for use in the GenAI studio playground
pipeline_spec = lore.create_rag_pipeline(pipeline_spec)

Using the RAG Pipeline in the Playground

With the RAG pipeline created, we can now hand it off to a subject matter expert (SME). The SME can easily interact with the pipeline and generate responses in the GenAI Studio playground.