Export via PachCTL
To export your data with PachCTL:
List the files in the given directory:
pachctl list file <repo>@<branch>:<dir>
pachctl list myrepo@master:labresults
NAME TYPE SIZE /labresults/T1606331395-LIPID-PATID2-CLIA24D9871327.txt file 101B /labresults/T1606707557-LIPID-PATID1-CLIA24D9871327.txt file 101B /labresults/T1606707579-LIPID-PATID3-CLIA24D9871327.txt file 100B /labresults/T1606707597-LIPID-PATID4-CLIA24D9871327.txt file 101B
Get the contents of a specific file:
pachctl get file <repo>@<branch>:<path/to/file>
pachctl get file myrepo@master:/labresults/T1606331395-LIPID-PATID2-CLIA24D9871327.txt
PID|PATID2 ORC|ORD777889 OBX|1|NM|2093-3^Cholesterol|212|mg/dL OBX|2|NM|2571-8^Triglyceride|110|mg/dL
You can view the parent, grandparent, and any previous commit by using the caret (
) symbol followed by a number that corresponds to an ancestor in sequence:-
View a parent commit
pachctl list commit <repo>@<branch-or-commit>^:<path/to/file>
pachctl get file <repo>@<branch-or-commit>^:<path/to/file>
View an
parent of a commitpachctl list commit <repo>@<branch-or-commit>^<n>:<path/to/file>
pachctl get file <repo>@<branch-or-commit>^<n>:<path/to/file>
pachctl get file datas@master^4:user_data.csv
If the file does not exist in that revision, HPE Machine Learning Data Management displays an error message.