enabled: true
# if enabled runs kube validation preflight checks.
enabled: true
affinity: {}
annotations: {}
# clusterDeploymentID sets the Pachyderm cluster ID.
clusterDeploymentID: ""
annotations: {}
# goMaxProcs is passed as GOMAXPROCS to the pachd container. pachd can automatically pick an
# optimal GOMAXPROCS from the configured CPU limit, but this overrides it.
goMaxProcs: 0
# goMemLimit is passed as GOMEMLIMIT to the pachd container. pachd can automatically pick an
# optimal GOMEMLIMIT from the configured memory request or limit, but this overrides it. This is a string
# because it can be something like '256MiB'.
goMemLimit: ""
# gcPercent sets the initial garbage collection target percentage.
gcPercent: 0
repository: "pachyderm/pachd"
pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
# tag defaults to the chart’s specified appVersion.
# This sets the worker image tag as well (they should be kept in lock step)
tag: ""
logLevel: "info"
disableLogSampling: false
developmentLogger: false
# If true, log every SQL query at debug level. This can potentially log sensitive information
# without redaction, so it's not recommended for production.
sqlQueryLogs: false
# If lokiDeploy is true, a Pachyderm-specific instance of Loki will
# be deployed.
lokiDeploy: true
# lokiLogging enables Loki logging if set.
lokiLogging: true
# lokiHost and lokiPort should only be set when using an external Loki instance. lokiDeploy should be false.
# lokiHost should be the hostname of the Loki instance to use.
lokiHost: ""
# lokiPort should be the port of the Loki instance to use.
lokiPort: 0
# enabled sets the METRICS environment variable if set.
enabled: true
# endpoint should be the URL of the metrics endpoint.
endpoint: ""
priorityClassName: ""
nodeSelector: {}
# podLabels specifies labels to add to the pachd pod.
podLabels: {}
# resources specifies the resource requests and limits
# replicas sets the number of pachd running pods
replicas: 1
# cpu: "1"
# memory: "2G"
# cpu: "1"
# memory: "2G"
# requireCriticalServersOnly only requires the critical pachd
# servers to startup and run without errors. It is analogous to the
# --require-critical-servers-only argument to pachctl deploy.
requireCriticalServersOnly: false
# If enabled, External service creates a service which is safe to
# be exposed externally
enabled: false
# (Optional) specify the existing IP Address of the load balancer
loadBalancerIP: ""
apiGRPCPort: 30650
s3GatewayPort: 30600
annotations: {}
# labels specifies labels to add to the pachd service.
labels: {}
# type specifies the Kubernetes type of the pachd service.
type: "ClusterIP"
annotations: {}
apiGRPCPort: 30650
prometheusPort: 30656
oidcPort: 30657
identityPort: 30658
s3GatewayPort: 30600
# expose: true
# port: 30650
# DEPRECATED: activateEnterprise is no longer used.
activateEnterprise: false
## if pachd.activateEnterpriseMember is set, enterprise will be activated and connected to an existing enterprise server.
## if pachd.enterpriseLicenseKey is set, enterprise will be activated.
activateEnterpriseMember: false
## if pachd.activateAuth is set, auth will be bootstrapped by the config-job.
activateAuth: true
## the license key used to activate enterprise features
enterpriseLicenseKey: ""
# enterpriseLicenseKeySecretName is used to pass the enterprise license key value via an existing k8s secret.
# The value is pulled from the key, "enterprise-license-key".
enterpriseLicenseKeySecretName: ""
# if a token is not provided, a secret will be autogenerated on install and stored in the k8s secret 'pachyderm-bootstrap-config.rootToken'
rootToken: ""
# rootTokenSecretName is used to pass the rootToken value via an existing k8s secret
# The value is pulled from the key, "root-token".
rootTokenSecretName: ""
# if a secret is not provided, a secret will be autogenerated on install and stored in the k8s secret 'pachyderm-bootstrap-config.enterpriseSecret'
enterpriseSecret: ""
# enterpriseSecretSecretName is used to pass the enterprise secret value via an existing k8s secret.
# The value is pulled from the key, "enterprise-secret".
enterpriseSecretSecretName: ""
# if a secret is not provided, a secret will be autogenerated on install and stored in the k8s secret 'pachyderm-bootstrap-config.authConfig.clientSecret'
oauthClientID: pachd
oauthClientSecret: ""
# oauthClientSecretSecretName is used to set the OAuth Client Secret via an existing k8s secret.
# The value is pulled from the key, "pachd-oauth-client-secret".
oauthClientSecretSecretName: ""
oauthRedirectURI: ""
# DEPRECATED: enterpriseRootToken is deprecated, in favor of enterpriseServerToken
# NOTE only used if pachd.activateEnterpriseMember == true
enterpriseRootToken: ""
# DEPRECATED: enterpriseRootTokenSecretName is deprecated in favor of enterpriseServerTokenSecretName
# enterpriseRootTokenSecretName is used to pass the enterpriseRootToken value via an existing k8s secret.
# The value is pulled from the key, "enterprise-root-token".
enterpriseRootTokenSecretName: ""
# enterpriseServerToken represents a token that can authenticate to a separate pachyderm enterprise server,
# and is used to complete the enterprise member registration process for this pachyderm cluster.
# The user backing this token should have either the licenseAdmin & identityAdmin roles assigned, or
# the clusterAdmin role.
# NOTE: only used if pachd.activateEnterpriseMember == true
enterpriseServerToken: ""
# enterpriseServerTokenSecretName is used to pass the enterpriseServerToken value via an existing k8s secret.
# The value is pulled from the key, "enterprise-server-token".
enterpriseServerTokenSecretName: ""
# only used if pachd.activateEnterpriseMember == true
enterpriseServerAddress: ""
enterpriseCallbackAddress: ""
# Indicates to pachd whether dex is embedded in its process.
localhostIssuer: "" # "true", "false", or "" (used string as bool doesn't support empty value)
# set the initial pachyderm cluster role bindings, mapping a user to their list of roles
# ex.
# pachAuthClusterRoleBindings:
# robot:wallie:
# - repoReader
# robot:eve:
# - repoWriter
pachAuthClusterRoleBindings: {}
# additionalTrustedPeers is used to configure the identity service to recognize additional OIDC clients as trusted peers of pachd.
# For example, see the following example or the dex docs (
# additionalTrustedPeers:
# - example-app
additionalTrustedPeers: []
create: true
additionalAnnotations: {}
name: "pachyderm" #TODO Set default in helpers / Wire up in templates
# backend configures the storage backend to use. It must be one
# of GOOGLE, AMAZON, MICROSOFT or LOCAL. This is set automatically
# if deployTarget is GOOGLE, AMAZON, MICROSOFT, or LOCAL.
# Users who desire to use minio as their storage backend should set the 'backend' to 'AMAZON' instead
# and set 'storageURL' to the s3 compatible URL representation for their minio endpoint.
backend: ""
# storageURL is a URL endpoint for object storage such as "s3://myamazonbucket" or "gcs://mygooglebucket.
# Depending on the storage provider, some configuration options may also be passed via URL query parameters.
storageURL: ""
# bucket sets the S3 bucket to use.
bucket: ""
# cloudFrontDistribution sets the CloudFront distribution in the
# storage secrets. It is analogous to the
# --cloudfront-distribution argument to pachctl deploy.
cloudFrontDistribution: ""
customEndpoint: ""
# disableSSL disables SSL. It is analogous to the --disable-ssl
# argument to pachctl deploy.
disableSSL: false
# id sets the Amazon access key ID to use. Together with secret
# and token, it implements the functionality of the
# --credentials argument to pachctl deploy.
id: ""
# logOptions sets various log options in Pachyderm’s internal S3
# client. Comma-separated list containing zero or more of:
# 'Debug', 'Signing', 'HTTPBody', 'RequestRetries',
# 'RequestErrors', 'EventStreamBody', or 'all'
# (case-insensitive). See 'AWS SDK for Go' docs for details.
# logOptions is analogous to the --obj-log-options argument to
# pachctl deploy.
logOptions: ""
# maxUploadParts sets the maximum number of upload parts. It is
# analogous to the --max-upload-parts argument to pachctl
# deploy.
maxUploadParts: 10000
# verifySSL performs SSL certificate verification. It is the
# inverse of the --no-verify-ssl argument to pachctl deploy.
verifySSL: true
# partSize sets the part size for object storage uploads. It is
# analogous to the --part-size argument to pachctl deploy. It
# has to be a string due to Helm and YAML parsing integers as
# floats. Cf.
partSize: "5242880"
# region sets the AWS region to use.
region: ""
# retries sets the number of retries for object storage
# requests. It is analogous to the --retries argument to
# pachctl deploy.
retries: 10
# reverse reverses object storage paths. It is analogous to the
# --reverse argument to pachctl deploy.
reverse: true
# secret sets the Amazon secret access key to use. Together with id
# and token, it implements the functionality of the
# --credentials argument to pachctl deploy.
secret: ""
# timeout sets the timeout for object storage requests. It is
# analogous to the --timeout argument to pachctl deploy.
timeout: "5m"
# token optionally sets the Amazon token to use. Together with
# id and secret, it implements the functionality of the
# --credentials argument to pachctl deploy.
token: ""
# uploadACL sets the upload ACL for object storage uploads. It
# is analogous to the --upload-acl argument to pachctl deploy.
uploadACL: "bucket-owner-full-control"
bucket: ""
# cred is a string containing a GCP service account private key,
# in object (JSON or YAML) form. A simple way to pass this on
# the command line is with the set-file flag, e.g.:
# helm install pachd -f my-values.yaml --set-file pachyderm/pachyderm
cred: ""
# Example:
# cred: |
# {
# "type": "service_account",
# "project_id": "…",
# "private_key_id": "…",
# "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n…\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
# "client_email": "…@…",
# "client_id": "…",
# "auth_uri": "",
# "token_uri": "",
# "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
# "client_x509_cert_url": "…%40…"
# }
# hostPath indicates the path on the host where the PFS metadata
# will be stored. It must end in /. It is analogous to the
# --host-path argument to pachctl deploy.
hostPath: ""
requireRoot: true #Root required for hostpath, but we run rootless in CI
container: ""
id: ""
secret: ""
# minio bucket name
bucket: ""
# the minio endpoint. Should only be the hostname:port, no http/https.
endpoint: ""
# the username/id with readwrite access to the bucket.
id: ""
# the secret/password of the user with readwrite access to the bucket.
secret: ""
# enable https for minio with "true" defaults to "false"
secure: ""
# Enable S3v2 support by setting signature to "1". This feature is being deprecated
signature: ""
# putFileConcurrencyLimit sets the maximum number of files to
# upload or fetch from remote sources (HTTP, blob storage) using
# PutFile concurrently. It is analogous to the
# --put-file-concurrency-limit argument to pachctl deploy.
putFileConcurrencyLimit: 100
# uploadConcurrencyLimit sets the maximum number of concurrent
# object storage uploads per Pachd instance. It is analogous to
# the --upload-concurrency-limit argument to pachctl deploy.
uploadConcurrencyLimit: 100
# The shard size corresponds to the total size of the files in a shard.
# The shard count corresponds to the total number of files in a shard.
# If either criteria is met, a shard will be created.
# values are strings
compactionShardSizeThreshold: "0"
compactionShardCountThreshold: "0"
memoryThreshold: 0
levelFactor: 0
maxFanIn: 10
maxOpenFileSets: 50
# diskCacheSize and memoryCacheSize are defined in units of 8 Mb chunks. The default is 100 chunks which is 800 Mb.
diskCacheSize: 100
memoryCacheSize: 100
ppsWorkerGRPCPort: 1080
ppsWorkerPreprocessing: false
# the number of seconds between pfs's garbage collection cycles.
# if this value is set to 0, it will default to pachyderm's internal configuration.
# if this value is less than 0, it will turn off garbage collection.
storageGCPeriod: 0
# the number of seconds between chunk garbage colletion cycles.
# if this value is set to 0, it will default to pachyderm's internal configuration.
# if this value is less than 0, it will turn off chunk garbage collection.
storageChunkGCPeriod: 0
# There are three options for TLS:
# 1. Disabled
# 2. Enabled, existingSecret, specify secret name
# 3. Enabled, newSecret, must specify cert, key and name
enabled: false
secretName: ""
create: false
crt: ""
key: ""
tolerations: []
repository: "pachyderm/worker"
pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
# Worker tag is set under pachd.image.tag (they should be kept in lock step)
create: true
additionalAnnotations: {}
# name sets the name of the worker service account. Analogous to
# the --worker-service-account argument to pachctl deploy.
name: "pachyderm-worker" #TODO Set default in helpers / Wire up in templates
# create indicates whether RBAC resources should be created.
# Setting it to false is analogous to passing --no-rbac to pachctl
# deploy.
create: true
# Set up default resources for pipelines that don't include any requests or limits. The values
# are k8s resource quantities, so "1Gi", "2", etc. Set to "0" to disable setting any defaults.
defaultPipelineCPURequest: ""
defaultPipelineMemoryRequest: ""
defaultPipelineStorageRequest: ""
defaultSidecarCPURequest: ""
defaultSidecarMemoryRequest: ""
defaultSidecarStorageRequest: ""
# a determined's cluster API URL
apiEndpoint: ""
# the name of the kubernetes secret containing the credentials for the determined user representing pachyderm.
# the secret is expected to contain the keys "determined-username" & "determined-password"
credentialsSecretName: ""
# readinessProbe, livenessProbe, startupProbe: Configure the probe settings.
# Acceptable inputs for each probe include initialDelaySeconds, timeoutSeconds, periodSeconds, successThreshold, and failureThreshold.
initialDelaySeconds: 0
timeoutSeconds: 1
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
failureThreshold: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 0
failureThreshold: 10
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 30
initialDelaySeconds: 0
failureThreshold: 10
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 30