Preflight Checks


The preflight check job is useful for performing an upgrade dry-run to ensure that the upgrade will be successful. To run the preflight check job, set preflightCheckJob.enabled to true and specify the preflightCheckJob.image.tag to the desired HPE Machine Learning Data Management release version.


  # If true, install a Kubernetes job that runs preflight checks from the configured Pachyderm
  # release.
  enabled: false

  # The version to preflight.  It is totally fine if this is newer than the currently-running pachd
  # version.
    repository: "pachyderm/pachd"
    pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
    tag: ""

  # misc k8s settings
  affinity: {}
  annotations: {}
    #  cpu: "1"
    #  memory: "2G"
    #  cpu: "1"
    #  memory: "2G"
  priorityClassName: ""
  podLabels: {}
  nodeSelector: {}
  tolerations: []

  # logging settings
  sqlQueryLogs: false
  disableLogSampling: false