pachctl logs

pachctl logs

Return logs from a job.


This command returns logs from a job. To filter your logs by pipeline, use the --pipeline flag To filter your logs by job, use the --job flag To filter your logs by datum, use the --datum flag To filter your logs by the master process, use the --master flag with the --pipeline flag To filter your logs by the worker process, use the --worker flag To follow the logs as more are created, use the --follow flag To set the number of lines to return, use the --tail flag To return results starting from a certain amount of time before now, use the --since flag

pachctl logs [--pipeline=<pipeline>|--job=<pipeline>@<job>] [--datum=<datum>] [flags]


 pachctl logs --pipeline foo 
 pachctl logs --job foo@5f93d03b65fa421996185e53f7f8b1e4 
 pachctl logs --job foo@5f93d03b65fa421996185e53f7f8b1e4 --tail 10 
 pachctl logs --job foo@5f93d03b65fa421996185e53f7f8b1e4 --follow 
 pachctl logs --job foo@5f93d03b65fa421996185e53f7f8b1e4 --datum 7f3c[...] 
 pachctl logs --pipeline foo --datum 7f3c[...] --master 
 pachctl logs --pipeline foo --datum 7f3c[...] --worker  
 pachctl logs --pipeline foo --datum 7f3c[...] --master --tail 10  
 pachctl logs --pipeline foo --datum 7f3c[...] --worker --follow 


      --datum string      Specify results should only return logs for a given datum ID.
  -f, --follow            Follow logs as more are created.
  -h, --help              help for logs
      --inputs string     Filter for log lines generated while processing these files (accepts PFS paths or file hashes)
  -j, --job string        Specify results should only return logs for a given job ID.
      --master            Specify results should only return logs from the master process; --pipeline must be set.
  -p, --pipeline string   Specify results should only return logs for a given pipeline.
      --project string    Specify the project (by name) containing parent pipeline for the job. (default "video-to-frame-traces-test")
      --raw               Specify results should only return log messages verbatim from server.
      --since string      Specify results should return log messages more recent than "since". (default "24h")
  -t, --tail int          Set the number of lines to return of the most recent logs.
      --worker            Specify results should only return logs from the worker process.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --no-color               Turn off colors.
      --rpc-timeout duration   If non-zero, perform all client operations with this RPC deadline.
  -v, --verbose                Output verbose logs.