and navigate to latest/sdk/examples/opencv
to execute the following steps.This is a reproduction of Pachyderm’s OpenCV example in Python. This example showcases the pachyderm-sdk
analogs of common pachctl
commands, such as creating repos and pipelines or getting a file.
The image being used to run the pipeline code is built from the Dockerfile located at pachyderm/examples/opencv. You will also find the script there.
Before You Start #
- You must have a running HPE Machine Learning Data Management cluster
- You must have installed the latest package of
How to Create a Distributed Image Processing Pipeline #
Create a file named with the following code:
import shutil import tempfile from pachyderm_sdk import Client from pachyderm_sdk.api import pfs, pps def main(client: Client): # Create a repo called images images = pfs.Repo.from_uri("images") client.pfs.create_repo(repo=images) # Create the edges pipeline (and the edges repo automatically). This # pipeline runs when data is committed to the images repo, as indicated # by the input field. edges = pps.Pipeline(name="edges") client.pps.create_pipeline( pipeline=edges, transform=pps.Transform( cmd=["python3", "/"], image="pachyderm/opencv", ), input=pps.Input(pfs=pps.PfsInput(, glob="/*")), ) # Create the montage pipeline (and the montage repo automatically). This # pipeline runs when data is committed to either the images repo or edges # repo, as indicated by the input field. client.pps.create_pipeline( pipeline=pps.Pipeline(name="montage"), transform=pps.Transform( cmd=["sh"], image="v4tech/imagemagick", stdin=[ "montage -shadow -background SkyBlue -geometry 300x300+2+2 $(find /pfs ! -name .env -type f | sort) /pfs/out/montage.png" ], ), input=pps.Input( cross=[ pps.Input(pfs=pps.PfsInput(glob="/",, pps.Input(pfs=pps.PfsInput(glob="/",, ] ), ) with client.pfs.commit(branch=pfs.Branch.from_uri("images@master")) as commit: # Add some images from urls. # Alternatively, you could use `client.put_file_from_file` or # `client_put_file_bytes`. client.pfs.put_file_from_url(commit=commit, path="/liberty.jpg", url="") client.pfs.put_file_from_url(commit=commit, path="/kitten.jpg", url="") client.pfs.put_file_from_url(commit=commit, path="/robot.jpg", url="") # Wait for the commit (and its downstream commits) to finish commit.wait_all() job = pps.Job(pipeline=pps.Pipeline(name="montage"), if client.pps.inspect_job(job=job).state != pps.JobState.JOB_SUCCESS: print("Montage job failed, aborting. Check the pipeline logs for more details:") print("pachctl logs --pipeline=montage") exit(1) # Get the montage source_file = client.pfs.pfs_file(file=pfs.File.from_uri("montage@master:/montage.png")) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix="montage.png", delete=False) as dest_file: shutil.copyfileobj(source_file, dest_file) print("montage written to {}".format( def clean(client: Client): client.pps.delete_pipeline(pipeline=pps.Pipeline(name="montage")) client.pps.delete_pipeline(pipeline=pps.Pipeline(name="edges")) client.pfs.delete_repo(repo=pfs.Repo.from_uri("images"), force=True) if __name__ == "__main__": # Connects to a pachyderm cluster using the pachctl config file located # at ~/.pachyderm/config.json. For other setups, you'll want one of the # alternatives: # 1) To connect to pachyderm when this script is running inside the # cluster, use `Client.new_in_cluster()`. # 2) To connect to pachyderm via a pachd address, use # `Client.new_from_pachd_address`. # 3) To explicitly set the host and port, pass parameters into # `Client()`. # 4) To use a config file located elsewhere, pass in the path to that # config file to Client.from_config() client = Client.from_config() clean(client) main(client)
Run the script:
$ python