Uninstall Platform

This guide provides instructions for uninstalling MLIS and managing retained resources.

Before You Start

  • Ensure you have access to the Kubernetes cluster where MLIS is installed
  • Have the Helm CLI and kubectl installed and configured
  • Pause all deployments before uninstalling
  • Delete any models stored via model caching before uninstalling

How to Uninstall

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.

  2. Run the following Helm command to uninstall MLIS:

    helm uninstall {ReleaseName} -n {Namespace}
  3. Review the output, which will list resources that are retained due to the resource policy:

    These resources were kept due to the resource policy:
    [PersistentVolumeClaim] aioli-db-pvc-aioli
    [Secret] aioli-oidc-secret-name
    [Secret] aioli-db-password

Clean Up Retained Resources (Optional)

If you do not plan to reinstall MLIS, follow these steps to remove the retained resources:

  1. Delete the persistent volume claims:
    kubectl -n {Namespace} delete pvc -l release={ReleaseName},app.kubernetes.io/managed-by=Helm
  2. Delete the OIDC secret:
    kubectl -n {Namespace} delete secret aioli-oidc-secret-name

Verify Uninstallation

  1. Check for any remaining MLIS resources:
    kubectl get all -n {Namespace} -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=aioli
  2. If the command returns no resources, the uninstallation is complete.

Retained Artifacts

If you uninstall MLIS without first pausing all deployments and deleting cached models, several Kubernetes resources will remain on the system for each deployment. The following table lists examples of these retained resources:

Resource Name Resource Type Description
aioli-oidc-secret-name secret OIDC integration secret
aioli-db-password secret Password to enable access to the MLIS controller database
aioli-db-pvc-aioli-{ReleaseName} PVC The MLIS controller database. Can be deleted if you do not intend to reinstall MLIS or want to erase all MLIS state
aioli-models-cache-pvc-{ReleaseName} PVC When modelsCacheStorage.enabled. This is the model storage data. It can be removed if not in use by any deployed inference service pods – including those which may have clones of this PVC in other namespaces
storage-aioli-alertmanager-0 PVC When prometheus.enabled. Prometheus alert data. Can be removed if prometheus alert data does not need to be retained